Four Benefits Of Taking Your Company On A Hunting Trip
Are you looking for a unique way to get your employees out of the office and thinking outside the box? Rather than taking them on a stuffy corporate retreat, consider taking them on a corporate hunting trip! Getting everyone outside and active will make for a great week or weekend, and in fact, embarking on such a trip has a few benefits for your company and for your employees as individuals.
1. Everyone will feel challenged in a new way.
Sometimes, especially when employees have been in the same role for a long time, they may no longer feel challenged and empowered by their jobs. Their jobs may instead start to feel a bit mundane. Getting everyone out on a hunting trip will challenge them in a new way, and as they rise to the occasion and face these challenges, they will be left feeling more empowered. They will probably return to work with a new sense of empowerment that drives them to do a better job in the workplace or to explore new solutions they had not thought of before.
2. People can work together in new roles.
Some of your employees are bound to be better hunters than others. Some probably have experience, and others do not. Chances are, the people who are in charge at your company will not also be the best at hunting. So, there will be a bit of role reversal in the hunt fields as someone different takes the helm and leads the group. Those who usually lead will get a sense of what it's like to be led, and those who usually follow will get a chance to lead. This makes for more understanding managers and harder-working technicians!
3. You don't have to plan very much.
Most hunting lodges already offer corporate hunting packages. It will all be pre-arranged; you just have to show up. This saves your company time and money compared to having to plan a gathering or retreat yourselves. That time can be spent on day to day operations, which ensures you don't fall too far behind when everyone is off hunting.
4. Everyone gets to experience nature.
There are so many benefits to spending time in nature, as you and your employees will during the hunting trip. Nature always leaves people feeling more grounded, so they will come home feeling less stressed out. The fresh air helps prevent illness, so you should have fewer absences in the weeks that follow.
Reach out to a hunting retreat center to learn more about why this type of trip is great for your team.